

Martin Lawrence Photography

1-2-1 Tuition: Landscape Photography

Booking a 1-2-1 Workshop with me will give you my undivided attention. I can concentrate on teaching you alone the techniques needed to move your photography to the next level.

Workshops are based either around Keswick or Great Langdale, both of which lie within the beautiful Lake District National Park, recently designated an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. They last for approximately seven hours and are held on a date of your own choosing.

After a short discussion on techniques and camera set-up, the rest of our time will be spent entirely on location. We will visit a number of stunning locations each within a short drive of each other and reached by a walk of only a few minutes. This will allow us to concentrate on actual tuition and allow us as much time as possible to put the techniques I have taught you into practice. It will hopefully also allow you as much chance as possible to capture some great images to take away with you!

For more specific details of the workshop please take a look at the Details tab.

Please note that whilst transport to and from all locations during the workshop will be supplied, accommodation costs and any travel or camera insurance will be at your own expense. 

    • 1 Person
      £195.00 - Full Payment
      £50.00 - Deposit Payment

    • Date of your own choosing

    • Improve your digital landscape photography by taking creative photographs that really capture the moment

    • Understand your camera and all its functions which will allow you to shoot on manual mode and obtain more professional results

    • Obtain a good understanding of focus points, correct exposure, metering and depth of field issues

    • Use of ND filters to ensure the correct exposure between light skies and darker foregrounds, one of the essentials for good landscape photography

    • Understand how to see photographically and know what works well when photographing landscapes

    • Understand the rules of composition and how to obtain a well balanced and structured image

    • Understand the benefits of shooting in RAW against jpeg

    • Use of 5-stop and 10-stop filters in long exposure photography

    • Your own digital SLR camera. I can lend you, free of charge, a Canon EOS 5D Mark 3, lenses and filters if required

    • Spare batteries if you have them

    • A good supply of memory

    • Any lenses you have

    • A tripod if you have one but I can supply if necessary

    • Warm and weather-proof clothing and boots is a must as the weather can be changeable

    • Notebook and pencil (unless you have a good memory!). Please note, however, that comprehensive course notes will be provided for you to take away with you.

    • Please bring a snack if you require one

  • Martin Lawrence Photography Workshop teestimonial

    Hi Martin,

    Thank you for a  brilliant 3 days. I have learnt such a lot - great landscape techniques especially around my local area of Wasdale, long exposures and using long lenses.  Going to practice the big lens later on our two dogs (hope I can remember how to set the camera up for multiple shooting !! ).

    Have bought a new tripod and 'a big stopper' can't wait to use them.

    Thanks again


    Submitted by Karen D - Wastwater July 2024

  • Martin Lawrence Photography 1-2-1 Workshop testimonial


    Just thought I'd send you one of the images we took on top of Walla Crag whilst I was on the 1-2-1 workshop with you.

    I have learnt so much that is has given me a new found confidence in using my camera on 'manual mode' and seeing images photographically. I didn't realise how creative you can be with this method. Gone are the days of Auto or AP - give me manual any day.

    Thanks again and I will certainly be back to learn more techniques.

    Thanks again


    Submitted by Colin S - June 2024

  • Martin Lawrence Workshop Testimonial


    Matthew was my first client after resumption. I offer a printing and framing service of my clients images taken on the day of the workshop. Matthew wanted three of his images printing and framing taken from Castlerigg Stone Circle and two from the Crag above Tewet Tarn.

    Here is what Matthew had to say.


    Good afternoon Martin

    I am just emailing to say thank you for a great day last Thursday.

    I feel that I have learnt a lot and I had a most enjoyable day in your company.

    I am sending across some copies of what we achieved.

    I am very happy with them.

    Please do contact me about the night sky course if you run it.

    I would also like to take you up on your offer of the printing if you do not mind.

    Thank you once again and I hope that the future goes as well as it can for you.



    Submitted by Matthew Dunning on the 3rd September 2023

  • Lake District Photography Workshop - Colin

    Hi Martin

    Just wanted to drop you a line to thank you for a great day's tuition.

    The session we had at Castlerigg Stone Circle was excellent and just wanted to show you one of the images we took across to Clough Head with that great cloud formation.

    Thanks again and I have never stopped taking images on 'Manual'  - as you know I was apprehensive about manual but now beieve I can be more creative so thank you !!



    Submitted by Colin Bainbridge - Stoke-on-Trent October 2019

  • I had a brilliant day with Martin.  He very clearly explained key elements of shooting great landscapes. He took me on from where I was and worked with the knowledge I had rather than just delivering a set course.  As it happens we were blessed with a stunning Lake District spring day so not only did I learn a huge amount but Martin helped me shoot some great images too.  Oh and he’s a nice guy!  


    Chris Warham

    Submitted by Chris Warham, Adlington, Cheshire - 9th May 2019

  • Hi Martin,

    Thanks again for today, I really enjoyed it. I've just been reviewing the images we took and can honestly say they are some of the best I have taken with my camera! I am looking forward to practicing what I have learnt today and improving my technique as I go.



    Submitted by Richard Bruffell, Mirfield, West Yorkshire - 19th May 2019

  • Martin,

    Thank you for an excellent days photography. I really enjoyed the day, learnt a lot and enjoyed putting it into practice.

    I look forward to downloading and finalising some of my images when we are home next week. I will of course let you see the results and might enlist your help identifying some of the peaks.

    Thanks again!

    Kind regards 


    Submitted by Amanda Buttress- Ely, Cambridgeshire - 17th April 2019

  • Just wanted to e-mail you Martin to say how much I enjoyed my 1-2-1 Workshop with you yesterday. You spend hundreds of pounds on a camera and, for some reason, expect it to take great images out of the box. That isn't how it works unfortunately.

    I never thought that I could have learnt so much in one day. I really liked the fact that the workshop was centred on me alone and tailored to my level of experience. The images that I took away with me were the best that I've ever taken.

    I look forward to putting all that I've learnt into practice over the coming weeks and adding to my portfolio. A return visit is high on my agenda!



    Submitted by Sarah Bolton - Nantwich, Cheshire - 24th April 2019

  • 1-2-1 Photography workshop by Martin Lawrence

    A truly fantastic couple of days.  Met Martin outside the stone circles and went through the basic knowledge on how to improve your photography. Camera setup, hyperfocal distance, composition to name but a few.  What followed was 6 hours of practical advice in some of best scenic areas in and around Keswick. The day was extremely enjoyable and carried out in an informed and relaxed manner. The second day was all about reviewing the previous days photographs and an introduction to the basics of photoshop. Extremely useful to go through this post production process. Very informative.
    Martin was the perfect tutor, not only a great photographer but a great guy as well. This was a tremendous learning experience that has given me the determination to get out and put this learning experience into practice.

    I would strongly recommend Martin to anyone looking to improve their landscape photography .
    Simply Brilliant. I will be back.!

    Thanks for 2 great days. Keith.

    Submitted by Keith Howson, Bury - 24th and 25th November 2018

  • 1-2-1 Photography Workshop by Martin lawrence

    I was looking for individual tuition as I had been on several group workshops and they did not provide the degree of tuition I felt I needed.I found Martin’s website and was impressed by the reviews.

    As a woman on my own I was slightly anxious about meeting Martin in the dark at Castlerigg in Keswick. I need not have been. Martin soon put me at ease and I felt entirely comfortable in his company. Martin gave clear explanations of the steps that we would put into practice throughout the day. He checked that I understood by asking questions at appropriate intervals during the initial tuition and again when we were out taking photographs.

    After I returned home I looked at the photographs which I took during the workshop. I am delighted with their quality and really feel that I have learnt the skills to achieve the same results when I am out on my own. I am looking forward to undertaking further workshops with Martin in the future.

    Submitted by Angela O'Neill, Ulverston - 11th November 2018

  • A really fantastic day's learning in serenly beautiful surroundings. Martin applies real focus to your needs as an individual and the whole session was amiable and fulfilling. The 1-2-1 is great value for money and provides an intensive tuition session on your own gear that cannot be replicated in a group session. Will definitely consider a repeat session when current learnings are consolidated.

    Submitted by Peter Youngs, Bishops Offley - 2nd November 2018

  • Another fantastic session with Martin 5 years after the original outing. Reminded me of all the good habits, corrected some of the sloppy ones I’d picked up, and once again showed that it’s perfectly possible to take great pics whatever the light conditions. On top of that Martin is very easy to spend time with, it feels more like a chat with somebody you know than a lesson. Thanks again for a wonderfully enjoyable experience.

    Submitted by Eddie McCabe from Childwall, Liverpool - 19th October 2018

  • Graham Ewen Workshop image

    My first photograph following Martins tutorial, far exceeded my previous best.
    The day did not feel like training, yes I learnt a lot, but it always felt like a chat with a friend discussing a favourite subject.  I learnt because of a well explained tutorial followed by using your own camera to do the hands on stuff, with guidance and suggestions only from Martin, unless you needed more help.
    I now feel that my photo sessions will be much calmer, more thought out, and as a consequence more productive with better quality photos, rather than my previously rushed slightly panicky working as I worried about settings and getting a shot. We also discussed equipment which is very helpful when you are spending money.
    I have taught adults for a number of years and know good training when I see it. I thoroughly enjoyed the day, it was not hard, it was fun and the classroom, the Lake District was fantastic.  Yes you have to go with the weather and that is in itself a good learning curve.  If you want to know about landscape photography this is an excellent course, with a professional photographer who can teach, and gets the best out of you.  Consequently your photos improve immediately.
    Martin Lawrence is right you need wellies.

    Submitted by Graham Ewan, Lancaster

  • Thank you for such a rewarding day of photography. You covered so much ground from capture to processing and in a clear understandable way. My main objectives of getting exposure right at the capture stage and focusing from front to back sharpness were very well met. I now have a clear, precise, reliable discipline for capturing my images. The rewards were clear as soon as we moved on to process the images with minimal development necessary. Driving to Castlerigg at such an early hour in sleet and hail had me wondering whether I would capture any images but the rapidly changing weather and light were very special and I am very pleased with the outcomes.

    I hope to have another day in the future concentrating on using grad filters as effectively as possible and working on using big stop ND filters to create movement.

    Submitted by Len Seal from Tyldesley, Manchester

  • For my 60th Birthday I wanted a camera so I could do some nice snap shots as I travelled around the Lincolnshire Wolds. Not only did I get a lovely Nikon D5300 DSLR, my wife had also secretly bought me a one day Landscape Photography Course with Martin Lawrence.
     I had some briefing notes from Martin and so was prepared for the day. After the first couple of hours of meeting Martin he had talked me through my new camera and lenses and then onto various locations around Keswick using different techniques to get the best out of the camera. Martin had even arranged for some fantastic weather. Finished the day off at Martin’s lodge reviewing the pictures and talking through Photoshop. We selected a couple of stunning photos (out of hundreds of stunning photos) which Martin is going to print and frame for me. I loved the whole experience and would thoroughly recommend this one to one course whatever your level of experience. I couldn’t even spell neutral density graduated filters before the course and now I actually know how to use them effectively! Thank you so much Martin for making it a wonderful day with tuition that will I am sure, last me a lifetime.

    Submitted by Paul Lowery, Barton Upon Humber - 2nd March 2017

  • Purchased this course after doing some searching on the net. Really glad I picked Martin because of the way he structured the day to suit my ability.
    The weather on the day was not the best (rain, wind etc) and made taking shots a bit more challenging but with Martins knowledge and experience he showed me how to persevere and we got some great shots. Also I thought that the way the weather was, I was not going to produce any shots but was I wrong.
    We visited 3 sites during the day taking various shots at each using ND Grad, stoppers etc after which we went back to his lodge to view the days shots and provide critique and a bit of post processing. Martin quickly learns your level and ability and is very patient with how he explains things. If you require some tuition do not hesitate to contact Martin as I’m sure he will be able to help improve your skills. 
    I am hoping that in the new year I will be able to arrange another day with Martin.

    Submitted by Andy Newton, Driffield - 9th September 2016

  • Martin’s tuition was brilliant.
    The technical side has now become much clearer and I have a good base to develop my Photoshop and photographic skills. The day was very enjoyable and despite the heavy rain and wind for part of the day there was plenty of time for taking photographs. Even though I admitted I had never really studied the manuals because the technical side baffled me and I also managed to forget the filter holder for my camera he took it all in his stride.
    I thoroughly enjoyed the day and if there are any women who would like to do the course but feel a bit apprehensive I would say don’t hesitate and go for it.

    Submitted by Lenore Taylor, Ross-on-Wye - 8th September 2016

  • For my birthday my two sons purchased a full day landscape photography course with Martin. I was one of those people who never used anything else on their camera apart from the automatic button. I did not have the confidence to use anything else. I had a fantastic day with Martin who taught me how to use my camera properly. He is very knowledgeable and is a good teacher and gave clear instructions so that it was easy to understand. 
    The scenery was stunning around the Keswick area. The weather was spectacular with clear blue skies, snow covered mountains and some great photographs were taken with the help of Martin. He taught me how to compose a good landscape photograph.

    I was apprehensive first of all meeting a professional photographer, but Martin was easy to talk to and he soon made me feel at ease.
    It was a fantastic birthday present and I had a great day. Thank you Martin

    Submitted by Sharon Dawes, Cuckfield, West Sussex

  • I recently went on a one to one landscape photography course with Martin Lawrence around Keswick. Martin went through some teaching material to get an idea of my experience and this was followed by practical teaching at three different locations. I consider myself to be a reasonably experienced photographer but I learnt a lot that day about composition and the use of graduated filters and the big stopper (which I will now have to buy - thanks for making me spend more money Martin 😊 ).

    A combination of Martin’s relaxed, humorous style and detailed photographic knowledge made it a fantastic photographic experience. And the great locations weren’t bad either.
    An experience I can thoroughly recommend.

    Submitted by David Seddon, Pulborough, West Sussex

  • I had a day with Martin in March and he picked me up from the hotel I was staying in. We discussed stops and other theory for about an hour in his car before we started some practical work. The weather was not kind and overcast and cold but there was a lot to learn. Martin helped me understand hyperfocal distance and using my newly bought and unscratched Lee filters. We visited a number of different sites to practice and Martin even had to help me up a hill at one point as I was suffering after foot surgery. After the practical session we stopped at Martin’s lodge where his lovely wife wanted to feed me as I didn’t bring much food with me and made tea whilst we looked at Photoshop. I learnt a great deal from Martin, love his work and aspire to be as good as him as a photographer and maybe one day a teacher of photography to others. I should book another session with him!

    Submitted by Sue Blythe, Isle of Man

  • I booked a One to One Course with Martin for Tuesday 9th October, unfortunately due to the week¹s weather and the forecast we took the decision to postpone.
    This turned out to be a great judgment as Thursday was torrential! Martin kindly changed his personal plans and we re-arranged for Friday 12th.
    What an outstanding day. I consider myself to be an enthusiastic hobbyist and was keen to improve my composition.
    Martin certainly delivered, with a logical and informative approach provided firstly by theoretical and then practical instruction. As the day progressed I became more and more competent at capturing interesting compositions.
    With an abundance of local knowledge of the area, Martin took me to some superb locations, enabling the capture (in my opinion) of many cracking shots.
    The day consisted of fantastic weather, a hugely informative photography course and it was a pleasure to be in Martin¹s company.
    I cannot recommend this course highly enough, and through my newly acquired skills look forward to taking my photography to the next level.
    Thank you Martin.
    Paul F

    Submitted by Paul Flower, Gosport - 9th October 2018

  •  I am still on a high from our tutorial session on Friday, it was without doubt my best day of photography ever.

    I had great company, superb location and exemplary tuition. As this was not my first landscape photography session with yourself I wondered how it would go.
    Well it went so quickly I ended up with the best set of photographs I have ever produced, I learned so much more about landscape photography and once again 
    you came up with some instructional tips that just make the experience so pleasurable, even though by the end I was goosed and slept soundly that night.

    Martin thank you once again for the time you took with me, the instruction you gave me, the locations you chose and for enabling me to produce the images of a
    quality that I never thought I would be able to achieve, it was the best birthday ever.

    Kindest regards

    Keith Ingledew

    Submitted by Keith Ingledew, Redcar, Cleveland

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